Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas and New Year

Hi. I'm back. Maybe. If I can get back onto the computer to post stuff and what not. It has been every kind of busy here. How about you? Our Christmas week involved lots of last minute organising, making and festivities. We live in a small country town so we get a visit from Santa just before Christmas on the back of the fire truck. The kids love it. He brings a bag of lollies for everyone which is very exciting. Usually it's just our kids at our end of the street but this time some other kids joined our girls waiting for Santa.

Santa coming on the fire truck

Lollies from Santa

Christmas morning was delightful. We managed to stay in bed til 9am! What a great sleep in! When the kids dragged us out of bed they had already polished off the orange tic tacs they got in their Christmas stockings and had played with all the bits and pieces from Santa. We opened all the presents from us, saving the biggest for last. A new trampoline! After breakie, the kids went out and helped Tim put it together. I wish I had have taken pictures because it was cute funny. We spent Christmas eve with Tim's family and Christmas lunch with my family. 

A jumpy Christmas morning

Boxing Day was pretty warm here and we were all pretty worn out from all the Christmas fun. The kids were keen to try out their new swimmers and since we couldn't go to the pool, Tim sprayed them with the hose. Esther and Ellamay kept coming back for more too.

Fun on Boxing Day

Amelia hated it so she just used her new camera to take pictures of all the fun.

Amelia and her camera

New Years eve was spent with some good friends of ours from Queensland. It's probably been about 12 months since we saw them last so it was great to catch up. We had traditional bacon and eggs for breakie on New Years day and fluffed around for the day. Our friends went home after lunch and we all laid down for a sleep in the afternoon (YEAH!). That night, we had a lovely night out at the in-laws for a BBQ, celebrating my sister-in-laws birthday.

In all a very full week (and a bit) worth of activities and festivities. Amelia has been struggling a bit with her tummy again so that added a bit of stress to our time but hopefully we can get that sorted out again and things can be a bit settled for a time (I live in hope anyway).

That about covers it really. Posting will probably be a bit half hearted for another few weeks while the kids are still on school holidays. I have so many ideas for the Crisis this year. I hope I can make some of them happen. See you soon.

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