Saturday, March 3, 2012

Chandeliers to DIY

The chandelier

After being able to buy this chandelier for only $32 I gave up my plan to DIY one. I did however do lots of research on chandeliers (mainly on Pintrest) to find some inspiration on how to tackle it.

I am only a little disappointed I didn't get to make one. I was going to use milk bottles. Every time we finished a bottle of milk, I cut out circles ready to construct a masterpiece. It was going to be a fantastic crafting feat of recycling, upcycling and just being down right clever. I bought jump rings off eBay and had worked out how to adjust the hanging basket I had to suit what I needed. Trouble was, I had no time. Too much to do and I am an impatient crafter. So I admitted defeat before I began and bought one instead. The chandelier really makes an impact in Esther and Ellamay's room and adds a bit of fabulous to the space. And little girls deserve a fabulous space, don't you think?

As I am a hopeless dreamer when it comes to making stuff, I love to see what others have made (I think that is why Pintrest is my weakness!). Here are a bunch of links to some very cool chandeliers that people have made.

Wax paper chandelier from the Design Sponge

Another wax paper chandelier using the tutorial from the Design Sponge

Flower chandeliers

Flower chandelier using white fabric

This one uses a paper lantern as a base and then is covered in flowers

Cherry blossom chandelier. This is very straight forward and the basic idea could be used for so many different ideas.

So there are a few links. I am loving that some of these are more about decorating that actually being a light shade. Some of them you probably wouldn't want near a light globe :-)

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